Phone: +385 (0)21 585 231
Fax: +385 (0)21 381 241
Address: 8. Mediteranskih igara 2, Split
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Twitter: Official Twitter
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Customer support Hajduk Digital TV.
Address: 8. Mediteranskih igara 2, Split
Phone: 0800 HAJDUK 3
Monday-Saturday: 09:00–20:00 h
(Sunday and bank holiday closed)
Adresa: T.C Joker, Put Brodarice 6, Split
Phone: 0800 HAJDUK 4
Monday - Sunday: 09:00-21:00 h (In order with official TC Joker working hours)
Address: Obala kralja Tomislava 6, Makarska
Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:00 h
Saturday: 09-14 h
(Bank holiday closed)
Adress: Široka ulica 14 (Kalelarga), 23000 Zadar
Telephone: 023/244084
Monday-Saturday: 08:00-21:00 h
(Bank holiday closed)
Address: Ul. Josipa Jovića 93, 21000, Split
Phone: 021 220 433
Monday-Sunday: 09:00–21:00 h
(Sunday and bank holiday closed)
Adress: Obala hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 5, Split
Phone: 021 717 069
Monday-Sunday: 09:00–20:00 h
(Sunday and bank holiday closed)
Phone: 0800 HAJDUK 2
Working hours: 0-24 h
Customer care: working days 08-16 h
Extend your membership online!
Phone: +385 800 HAJDUK 1
Week days: 08:00 - 20:00h.
Matchday: 6 hours before the match.