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Youth Academy


In addition to football training, Hajduk Youth Academy gives great importance to education and positive development of the personality of young footballers. Entering a world of football, a young person is faced with many challenges and expectations. An easier and more successful adaptation to a football world, and to an every day life, is taken care of by Academy expert team consisting of pedagogy and psychology experts, nutritionists, foreign language teachers, volunteer students and various other associates.

Academy’s expert team's work includes:

Our vision, our mission

Academy's team of experts takes care of every student, works together with students on defining and building values, and, together with the students' coach as a significant person in their life, presents a big support during the development process of every player.This development unites fitness, technical, tactical and psychological segments of sport execution with a development of self-esteem, flexibility, self awareness, as well as life and communication skills, emotional intelligence and relationships.

Our biggest accomplishment is the contribution in developing and creating young people with good character qualities who will acquire and implement the right values and who will then step into the grown-up world.

Hajduk edukacija

English language sessions

Interactive workshops and English language sessions, led by a highly professional, qualified teaching team, are designed to engage and motivate coaches and players by using interesting learning tools and resources. English language sessions are constructed as a combination of a classic language course and football terminology in order for coaches and players to improve their knowledge and language skills.

Values that we try to embed into our players are: