Hajduk Family Club is a loyalty program that is active from October 29, 2019 and all its customers are able to get numerous benefits at points of sale of the Club's sponsors and other partners that participate in this loyalty program. By participating in the loyalty program, all customers also directly help HNK Hajduk.
You become a loyalty program customer by downloading Hajduk Family Club application on your smartphone or tablet. Members of HNK Hajduk will get bigger discounts but non members also get right to the limited discounts from the Club partners that are participating in the program by downloading the application.
All members of HNK Hajduk (model 1 and model 2) who have paid membership fee in the current year must first download Hajduk Family Club application on their smartphone or tablet to participate in the Hajduk Family Club loyalty program. There are two simple steps to enable it: give consent for the use of personal data (GDPR) to HNK Hajduk and Tommy d.o.o. in the app at initial activation.
All non Club members can also participate in the Hajduk Family Club loyalty program by using the application, but with limited benefits/discounts in comparison to those relating to the Club members. All you have to do is download the app to your smartphone or tablet and then give consent to the use of personal data (GDPR) to HNK Hajduk and Tommy d.o.o.
Once all of the above described steps have been completed, you are ready to participate in Hajduk's loyalty program. Anyone who has downloaded the app can use it at our partners' cash registers by presenting a code that you easily get on the app. After the code is scanned at the cash register, the discount and the amount that goes to HNK Hajduk will be calculated.
Savings and donations for Hajduk can be easily checked on the app - highlighted in red and blue square or rectangle.
All companies wishing to join Hajduk Family Club loyalty program can get information and answers to their questions by contacting family.club@hajduk.hr.
Hajduk Family Club loyalty program will be constantly updated and improved, new partners will be joining with many new benefits and we expect that the number of Premium and Basic customers will be constantly increasing. We therefore invite all fans and potential partners to join and become a part of the big HNK Hajduk supporters family.
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