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  • Karla Jonjić
  • Ana Ristovski


  • Antonia Dulčić
  • Nina Brnić
  • Anja Prskalo
  • Tea Pedić
  • Ana Sušak
  • Iva Bukač
  • Sara Herceg


  • Valentina Dubravica
  • Laura Vlastelica
  • Ana Bakalar
  • Lana Kukavica
  • Branka Bagarić
  • Antonela Blažević


  • Janja Čanjevac
  • Ivana Vlajčević
  • Andrea Grebenar

Press release


  1. As in previous seasons, those media representatives that will not be granted season accreditation can alternatively request a Single-game Media Accreditation for any home match only by registering online at by no later than three days before the match in question.
  2. Once your Media Accreditation is granted, you will get the relevant e-mail confirmation. All Media Accreditations can be collected on the match day at our Welcome desk which is located next to Hajduk Fan Shop and close to the stadium's Reception desk.
  3. Depending on the importance of a particular match, our PR Department may also directly inform the media representatives about their Single-game Media Accreditation collection schedule.

NOTE: Any late submission will not be granted, regardless which media outlet requests such Media Accreditation.


All Season Media Accreditation requests must be submitted via e-mail to

A request must be written on the official media outlet's letterhead and contain the following information:

  1. Name of the media outlet
  2. Name and surname of the Editor-in-Chief or the Sports Editor
  3. e-mail address and mobile phone number of the Editor-in-Chief or Sports Editor
  4. Name and surname of the journalist/camera operator/photographer 
  5. e-mail address and mobile phone number of the journalist/camera operator/photographer
  6. Accreditation type: Press/Photo/TV/ZIS
  7. Signature of the Editor-in-Chief or the Sports Editor.

Other information:

  1. Only the journalists that are regularly attending home matches, press conferences and other media events organized by HNK Hajduk will be accredited. Incomplete registration requests will not be processed.
  2. All season accreditations are the property of HNK Hajduk and non-transferable. Any misuse will be liable to penalty. HNK Hajduk may suspend or cancel Accreditation at any time in which case the holder has to return it immediately. Lost, damaged or stolen Accreditation must be immediately reported to If you found an Accreditation, please return it to HNK Hajduk, 8. Mediteranskih igara 2, Split.
  3. An accredited media representative and their media outlet are responsible for the granted Media Accreditation.


If you wish to be informed about HNK Hajduk media activities, please kindly contact and we will add you to our mailing list. Any one-on-one interwiews with the players, coaching staff or other representatives of Hajduk should be requested via e-mail to or by contacting Hajduk's PR Department.

Phone number: +385 21 585 200