As a part of educational program and activities organized by the Club, our Youth Academy players often participate in various educational workshops, one of which was held this week and it treated 'stress management'.
This time, boys born in 2006, Hajduk's U12 team listened and participated a very interesting presentation of their educator Petra Nosic.
Around ten of them had the opportunity to listen to tips on how to cope with pleasant and unpleasant emotions that can directly affect their performance during training and match. They learned a number of ways of controlling stress more easily, so that they can overcome failure painlessly at certain times when things don't go in the desired direction.
During a one-hour-long workshop, they solved simple tasks in which they scored their emotions that related to their personal performance satisfaction in the last game they played.
Youth Academy players actively participated by asking questions and learned a whole range of concepts and techniques that will help them to understand the connection between emotion and performance on the pitch in the future, and how to balance it all.
There are also several video clips in which some of the greatest and most successful footballers use these techniques, it's known as "self talk", visualization, positive thinking.
It was a well spent hour for young footballers who have followed this topic with great interest, aware that it will be very important for their sporting future.