Damir Burić - Ivan Prelec
90+4 End of the match. Hajduk bat Istra 1961 2:1 in the last game of the first half of the season.
90+3 Caktaš shot from 16 meters, Istra goalkeeper saved.
90+1 Rubić directly sent off for qan unsporting behavior towards Bradarić.
90 Four minutes of added time.
86 Istra 1961 making the last substitution: Sane on, Gržana off.
81 Bušnja on, Perić-Komšić off for Istra 1961.
80 Blagaić's attempt from 14 meters went off target.
74 Istra making the first substitution: Rubić on, Fintić off.
70 Hajduk's last substitution: Blagaić on, Jakoliš off.
69 GOOOOOOOOOOAAAL 2:1 Caktaš! Bradarić crossed to Caktaš who scored from 15 meters for a great comeback of Hajduk at Poljud.
There are 6262 spectators at Poljud today, of which 361 on the Family stand.
63 Hajduk's second substitution: Teklić on, Nejašmić off.
62 GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAL 1:1 Caktaš on Tahiraj's assist.
46 The second half has started, Hajduk made a substitution during half.time, Jradi in, Eduok off.
43 Istra 1961 leads 1:0, Fintić scored.
38 Simić cautioned.
29 Eduok's attempt from 25 meters went wide.
28 Pavić cautioned.
18 Jakoliš's attempt from 10 meters went wide of the goal.
17 Eduok's attempt ended on a goal post.
15 Jairo cautioned.
11 Tahiraj cautioned.
7 Gržan crossed to Perić-Komšić, his header deflected from the goal post.
5 Jairo's attempt from 15 meters was not precise enough.
1 The match at Poljud has started, good luck Hajduk!
Damir Burić - Ivan Prelec